
Legacy- noun; anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor

When I think about the word legacy and what it means to me, I’m drawn to

thoughts of traditions, gifts, and the phrase, pass it on. I visualize a tapestry of

beautiful threads, textiles of all colors and textures, woven together to create

something more beautiful than the sum of its parts. With each passing

generation the tapestry of our family legacy gains a new richness and depth as

each of us add our unique touch, and passes it on.

The tapestry of my life is made by those who have left an impression on my heart,

a piece of themselves in my life. My Granma, my sweet husband, our 3 adored

daughters, sons-in-love and our precious grandsons, a hand full of valued friends

who are our heart family and a few people whose contribution to me was

imparted in just a single day’s acquaintance. These people are the true gifts of my

life, and I am grateful for them every single day, their presence has added to the

tapestry of my life.

My Granma was my heart connection, she loved me wholly and completely in a

way I didn’t experience anywhere else in my childhood life. My early childhood

memories revolve around staying with my Grandparents at their home in San

Francisco, a stately old 3 story Victorian near Golden Gate Park, for me that home

was magical. Narrow hallways, closets filled with treasures to explore, glass

cabinets that sparkled and the kitchen seemed to always have something cooking

that filled the house with delicious smells. What I know now is that those things

made the home feel special, but it was the place where I felt love, safety and

valued, it was love that made the home truly magical.

The pattern of those days was constant, my Grandpa in his slacks, button down

shirt and sweater making a fire to “take the chill off the morning” while he drank

his coffee & read the newspaper. Granma walked down the street to the corner

market to pick up groceries needed for dinner. Most every

afternoon my Granma would get “all done up” in her dress, gloves, hat and we

would take the trolley downtown to Market Street. We walked through all the

big stores looking for bargains, rarely did she buy anything, but we sure enjoyed

the fine art of window shopping. We often stopped at the Woolworth’s

lunch counter for a treat, those were special days walking hand in hand with my

beautiful Granma, I felt loved & so very special.

At Granma’s house, breakfast & lunch were shared at the red table in the kitchen,

dinner was served in her large formal dining room. This room was at the center of

her home, it had mahogany walls and a painted mural of a lovely countryside

scene surrounding the top 2 feet the whole room, one wall was a built-in buffet

and glass china cabinets, filled to the brim with sparkly treasures. She would set

the table with china, cut-glass bowls and her other fancies, my memory of that

huge wooden table was that it sparkled! It felt like a grand celebration even if it

was just the 3 of us with a simple family dinner of fried chicken, potatoes, biscuits

and pan gravy. It was a treat to sit around that table, enjoying the bounty of

delicious foods, listening to the conversation and laughter, knowing it was a special

time, a celebration of the day! The colors my Granma added to my tapestry are

warm, comfortable, solid deep rooted earth colors with threads of glittery sparkly

silver and gold. My Granma gave me my love of sparkle!

When I think about the way I live my life and the traditions I hold most dear, I can

feel my darling Granma at the center of it all. She taught me to love completely,

to live each day for the celebration it is, to create from the heart, be present in

the moment and to be okay with the messy reality of life. I am so incredibly

blessed that my Granma took the time to pour into my life what she held dear, to

pass it on to me, and I in turn have passed on to my daughters.

When the idea for this passion project started forming in my mind, so many of the

thoughts took me back to my Granma. Ideals that are steeped in tradition, yet

modern in simplicity, to create something that would bring celebration of

everyday life into the lives of others. It is a privilege for me to share and explore the

message of celebrating everyday life and pass on the legacy of my beautiful

Granma, Camille Mae through the tapestry of Home Grown Celebrations.